C/sells - The Energy System of the Future in the Southern German Solar Arc

Project description
Commissioned for the University of Applied Sciences Offenburg, who contributes to the overall project both through theoretical considerations and by practically demonstrating the C/sells concepts in a prototype area. She participates in economic analyses (design of flexibility products, analysis of market designs for flexibility trading, and evaluation of business use cases, among other topics) and develops systems for spatially distributed
irradiation measurements that help improving forecasts of energy flows. In addition, the University supports
the development of technical foundations for an intelligent operation and control of plants and sub-grids.
Some of the concepts designed in C/sells are tested and evaluated under real-world conditions in the
microgrid Offenburg-Bohlsbach, a prototype laboratory at the University. The microgrid comprises
renewable generation (photovoltaic, wind), a battery unit and a hydrogen system with electrolyzer and fuel
cell, as well as an electric vehicle and parts of the offices at the premise as (partially flexible) loads.
Start/End of project
01.01.2017 until 31.12.2020
Project manager
Reuter A Fichtner IT (intern: Weidlich A)
Contact person
Weidlich A
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie