Years: 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013

GrECCo - Grid-Sensitive Energy Community Coordination
- Project manager: Weidlich A
- Start/End of project: 01.10.2022 until 30.09.2025
- Project details

ASSUME - Agent-based electricity market simulation to study market designs for the future power system
- Project manager: Harder N
- Start/End of project: 01.08.2022 until 31.07.2025
- Project details

Promoting low-carbon electricity use through precise emissions signals via an app
- Project manager: Anke Weidlich
- Start/End of project: 01.06.2022 until 31.05.2023
- Project details

Formal modeling of operational flexibility in multi-scale multi-modal energy systems
- Project manager: Weidlich A
- Start/End of project: 01.05.2021 until 30.04.2024
- Project details

IND-E - Decarbonization and electrification potential in German industry - data, actors and models
- Project manager: Senkpiel C Fraunhofer ISE (intern: Weidlich A)
- Start/End of project: 01.03.2021 until 29.02.2024
- Project details

ESYS - Integrated Energy System
- Project manager: Weidlich A
- Start/End of project: 01.02.2021 until 30.09.2022
- Project details

Mitigation of CO2 emissions through power generation from renewable energy
- Project manager: Weidlich A
- Start/End of project: 15.06.2019 until 29.02.2020
- Project details

EXIST Founder's Scholarship "WEtell"
- Project manager: Tucher N Spribille A
- Start/End of project: 01.06.2019 until 31.08.2020
- Project details

InNOSys - Integrated sustainability assesment and optimisation of energy systems
- Project manager: Naegler T DLR (intern: Weidlich A)
- Start/End of project: 01.01.2018 until 31.12.2020
- Project details

C/sells - The Energy System of the Future in the Southern German Solar Arc
- Project manager: Reuter A Fichtner IT (intern: Weidlich A)
- Start/End of project: 01.01.2017 until 31.12.2020
- Project details

mikroVKK - Demonstration of the feasibility, economic effectiveness and smart grids potential of virtual power plants consisting of micro-scale combined heat and power units
- Project manager: Mayer S GridSystronic Energy (intern: Weidlich A)
- Start/End of project: 16.10.2015 until 15.10.2017
- Project details

EcoFlex - Flexibility as an economic commodity in the intelligent energy system for the efficient integration of renewable energy
- Project manager: Weidlich A
- Start/End of project: 01.12.2014 until 31.03.2018
- Project details

Community Energy Network Freiburg - Deployment of an electrolysis plant in the industrial area Freiburg Nord for the integration of the power and gas grids for storing renewable energy
- Project manager: Voglstätter C Fraunhofer ISE (intern: Anke Weidlich)
- Start/End of project: 16.12.2013 until 31.12.2017
- Project details