SQ KA-Durlach
EnEff:Stadt: Smartes Quartier Karlsruhe-Durlach – Focus Assessment
Project management: Stefan Hess, PhD
Funding period: 01.09.2018 - 30.11.2022
Funding code: 03ET1590C
Funding body: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)
Promoter: Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (PTJ)
The aim of the project is to develop, implement and assess a complex energy supply system for a partially independent power supply in a cluster of five multi-family houses in Karlsruhe Durlach. The planned energy concept consists of a natural gas CHP with local heating supply, two heat pumps and PV systems on the roofs of the multi-family houses. It is meant to minimize up to 50 % of the primary energy consumption and the related CO2-emission in a cost-efficient way. Research partners of this project are the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE) and the Karlsruher Energieservice GmbH (KES).
The Freiburg University is developing a monitoring concept for this system to be installed and will evaluate the measurement data over a period of 3 years of service. The monitoring system is designed in a way that scientific issues can be answered and the system be subsequently operated routinely by the users. A verification of the energy concept is planned during the monitoring period and implies “before-after”/ “target-actual” comparisons as well as an energy-audit.
One of the 5 multi-family houses selected for the project Karlsruhe Durlach © S. Hess
The power supply in the five multi-family houses with 160 apartments (built in 1960 and partially energetically rehabilitated in 1995) is currently operated by central heating systems with natural gas boilers and electricity from the grid. The planned system should be designed and operated to maximize the local consumption of the locally produced energy (heating, electricity), to minimize the electricity consumption of the grid and as little surplus electricity as possible has to be fed back into the grid in order to minimize network disturbances.
The project „Smart Quartier Durlach“ is part of the thematic project network „LowEx im Bestand (www.lowex-bestand.de). An innovative multi-source heat pump, which is currently being developed within the scope of the research project „LowEx im Bestand – HEAVEN“ by the company Viessmann Wärmepumpen GmbH, will be tested in the course of the project. The detailed monitoring of the Viessmann system is carried out and evaluated by Fraunhofer ISE.
The overall aim of the project is to show that such an energy system can be operated technically robust, but also – with optimal design and optimal operation – economically. Thus it could be transferred to many other neighborhoods in Germany that cannot be connected to the district heating system. The design tools required for this (model for the energy system, simulation tool, process optimization and monitoring tool) need to be developed further and tested in practice.