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Prof. Dr. Anke Weidlich


+49 761 203-54011


Solar Info Center

Room 04.003

4th floor (stairs "West")


Curriculum Vitae

  • 2017 | Professor for Control and Integration of Grids at INATECH
  • 2011 | Professor for Energy System Technology and Energy Economics, especially intelligent decentralized structures for a sustainable electricity supply (Smart Grids) at the University of Applied Sciences Offenburg
  • 2011 | Fellow and manager of the research project "Smart Grids" at stiftung neue verantwortung, Berlin
  • 2008 | Senior researcher and project manager in the research field "Future Energy Systems" at SAP AG
  • 2008 | Graduation as Dr. rer. pol. at the University of Karlsruhe
  • 2006 | Research associate at the University of Mannheim
  • 2006 | Research fellow at Iowa State University
  • 2004 | Research associate at the University of Karlsruhe
  • 2003 | Research assistant at the Institute for Applied Ecology, Berlin
  • 2003 | Diplôme d'Etudes Supérieures Spécialisées in Energy Economics and Energy Policy
  • 2001 | Diploma in Industrial Engineering, elective subject: Environmental Engineering


  • Penn State Virtual Classroom Award
  • High Potential  in the SAP Top Talent program
  • Scholar in the career program Talente sichern – Zukunft gestalten der by the German associations for the promotion of young talents
  • Doctoral degree with distinction (summa cum laude)
  • DAAD scholarship for a research stay in the USA
  • Maple-Award "Modelling, Simulation and Computing" for the paper: Genoese, M; Sensfuß, F.; Weidlich, A.; Möst, D.; Rentz, O.: Development of an agent-based model to analyse the effect of renewable energy on electricity markets, Proceedings of the EnviroInfo, Brno, 6-9 September 2005
  • Scholarships granted by the Heinrich Böll Foundation



  • Dean of Study Sustainable Systems Engineering (Vice Dean)
  • Academic Director of the continued education study program M.Sc. Solar Energy Engineering
  • Member of the Expert Commission for Monitoring the Energy Transition (Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection)
  • Member of the EWI Scientific Advisory Board
  • Member of the board of directors of Smart Grids-Plattform Baden-Württemberg e.V.
  • Member of the board of the Energy Informatics section in the German Informatics Society
  • Member of the jury for the des MakeItMatter Awards
  • Technical program co-chair of the ACM eEnergy Conference, Singapore 2024
  • General Chair of the 10th DACH+ Conference on Energy Informatics, Freiburg 2021 & 2022
  • Member of the organization committee for the ACM eEnergy Conference, Torino 2021
  • Evaluator for scholarship applicants at the Heinrich Böll Foundation
  • Member of the editorial board of: Solar Energy Advances, Elsevier; Energy Informatics Reviews, ACM SIGEnergy; Technology and Economics of Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy, Springer
  • Member of the commission of experts to accompany the initiative "Energie System 2050" of the Helmholtz society (2015-2019)
  • Member of the advisory board of the EU project NETFFICCIENT (2015-2018)
  • Member of the scientific panel accompanying the study "Macro-economic impact and wealth distribution effect of the energy transition" (2015-2018)
  • Referee for the German Research Foundation DFG, Science Foundation Ireland, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research / Technology Foundation (Smart Energy Research Programme), Fachagentur für Nachwachsende Rohstoffe, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Georg Forster-Research Scholarship Program) and other scientific organizations and commissions
  • Member of the program committees of numerous conference workshops, e. g. ACM eEnergy Conference, DACH+ Conference on Energy Informatics, Doctoral Workshop Energy Informatics, International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems 2013-2018, workshop "Energieinformatik, Erneuerbare Energien und Neue Mobilität" (Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2014), workshop "Smart Grids" at the INFORMATIK 2013-2015, energy workshops at the annual conference of the German Informatics Society 2010-2016, 1st International ICST Conference on E-Energy, Workshop "Energy Efficiency Through Distributed Energy Management in Buildings"
  • Reviewer for scientific journals: Applied Energy (Elsevier), Transactions on Smart Grid (IEEE PES), European Journal of Operational Research (Elsevier), Renewable Energy (Elsevier), Energy Economics (Elsevier), Energy Policy (Elsevier), Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory (Elsevier), IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution (IEEE), Computational Economics (Springer), The Energy Journal (International Association for Energy Economics), International Journal of Distributed Energy Resources (Fraunhofer IWES), Energies (MDPI)



Years: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2003


    • Löschel, Andreas, Grimm, Veronika, Matthes, Felix, Weidlich, Anke
      , 2024





















    Credits: SILK Icons by

    Invited Talks

    • Lecture "Modeling Operational Flexibility for Energy Systems", Spring School DFG Priority Program 1984, 02.05.2022, Potsdam.
    • Lecture "Agent-based modling", summer school "Forecasts within Energy Markets", 30.09.2021, Karlsruhe.
    • Lecture "Advances in Flexibility Modeling" in the track Energie of the annual conference of the German Informatics Society, 01.10.2020, Karlsruhe (online).
    • Webinar "Solar Power Grid Integration", Fraunhofer Academy, 20.04.2020, online.
    • Christmas lecture "Weihnachten for Future", Fachschaft of the Technical Faculty at the University of Freiburg, 12.12.2019, Freiburg.
    • Lecture "Auf dem Weg zum nachhaltigen Energiesystem:
      Lösungen, Prioritäten und Hindernisse", event "Research Highlights" on the occasion of the Albert Bürklin research award, 20.11.2019, Freiburg.
    • Presentation "Evaluating Operational Flexibility within Cells in Cellular Energy Systems for Optimized Demand and Supply Matching for High Shares of Renewable Generation", Symposium "Research and Innovation in Energy Efficient and Energy Storage Technologies in an Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution", National Academy of Science Leopoldina & China Academy of Science & Academy of Science Africa, 15.10.2019, Dalian, China.
    • Keynote "Future Power Grids for the Energy Transition", 6th Solar Energy Forum, 13.3.2019, University of Freiburg.
    • Keynote "Zellulare Energiesysteme – Potentiale und Grenzen", FAIM Day, 22.2.2019, University of Freiburg.
    • Summer School "Energy System Modelling – Setting the Interdisciplinary Stage": Presentation "Flexibility Modeling for Power Systems", 3.9.2018, Europa-Universität Flensburg.
    • Summer School "Communication Technology and Data Analytics for Future Energy Systems": Presentation "Flexibility Modeling for Power Systems", 13.9.2017, Passau.
    • EIT ICT Lab Summer School Smart Energy Systems: „Liberalized Electricity Markets“, Karlsruhe Institute for Technology, 28.07.2015 and 01.08.2016.
    • Network colloquium System Analysis at the German Aeronautics and Space Research Center: „Energiewirtschaftliche Forschung am Institut für Energiesystemtechnik der Hochschule Offenburg“, 21.07.2015.
    • Zentrum für Mediales Lernen & KIC InnoEnergy: Online lecture „Nachhaltige Energiewirtschaft“, 09.06.2015.
    • 12. Baden-Badener Energiegespräche „Deutsche Energiewende – Holzweg oder Erfolgspfad?“: Participation in the panel discussion, 12.05.2015
    • Conference of the Federal State „Energiewende mit intelligenten Netzen - Smart Grids in Baden-Württemberg“: contribution to the panel discussion „Smart Grids made in Baden-Württemberg – wo stehen wir, wo geht es hin?", Fellbach, 3.12.2014.
    • Economics research colloquium at the University of Kassel: „Agentenbasierte Strommarktmodellierung“, 10.07.2013.
    • IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Europe Conference: “Challenges for the Market Integration of Renewables with Smart Grids", Berlin, 16.10.2012.
    • KinderUNI: "Der schlaue Strom", Hochschule Offenburg, 13.07.2012.
    • McKinsey Technology Lab: “Smart Grids“, Pfäffikon, Schweiz, 09.07.2011.
    • 8th International SAP Utilities Conference: "Variable Tariffs and Home Energy Management", Mannheim, 14.04.2011.
    • ICT 2010, Joint Networking Session SEESGEN-ICT (Coord RSE) – CT4SMARTDG (Coord EUTC): participant in the panel discussion “ICT for SmartGrids with DER: building the European Power System of Tomorrow”, Brussels, 28.11.2010.
    • AGRION topic day „Smart Grids“, participant in the panel discussion Herausforderung Smart Grid, Frankfurt, 17.03.2010.
    • First Workshop on Green and Smart Embedded System Technology GREEMBED, SmartHouse/SmartGrid – Smart houses interacting with smart grids to achieve next-generation energy efficiency and sustainability, Stockholm, 12.04.2010.
    • Energy colloquium at the Institute for Informatics Oldenburg OFFIS, Agentenbasierte Modellierung gekoppelter Elektrizitätsmärkte, Oldenburg, 18.06.2010.
    • 3rd Munich Cleantech Konferenz, Referentin im Smart Grid Panel Energieversorger im Wandel, Munich, 24.06.2010.
    • 14th Kasseler Symposium Energie-Systemtechnik, Geschäftsmodelle Elektromobilität, Kassel, 24.09.2010.
    • CeBIT Green IT Forum, E-Energy – Wege zum Internet der Energie, Hannover, 07.03.2009.

    • Colloquium at the Energy Economics Institute at the University of Cologne Köln EWI: Agentenbasierte Simulation des deutschen Strommarktes, Cologne, 25.10.2007.

    • 8th European Agent System Summer School, Tutorial: Agent-Based Compuational Economics, Annecy, 2006.